How to

How to use an oil burner

Oil burners have been in existence for over 3,600 years. Our African clay oil burner is unique and no exception. Here is how you can simply use an oil burner at home or work  and change your atmosphere by the diffusion of your favourite fragrance.


  1. Take the top lid of the oil burner and pour about 30 m ( 3 tablespoons) of water into it.
  2. Add 5-10 drops of your desired UNIQUE AROMAS fragrance oil.
  3. Put the top lid back onto the clay oil burner’
  4. Take a tea candle and carefully light it up
  5. Place the tea candle gently in the wide bottom hole of the oil burner and Viola!! You have successfully light up your UNIQUE authentic African oil burner!

Check out our video below on how to use an oil burner